VAX 8650 Specification

Relative Performance x VAX-11/780 (1 MIP) 6.0
Technology ECL Gate Array
Maximum Memory Support 256 MB
Type ECC
Mass Storage Capacity
Max. Local 4 Port Disk Controllers 8
Maximum Local Disk Capacity 20 GB
VAXcluster I/O Servers Up to 15
I/O Bus Capacity
I/O Throughput 20.0 MB/s
Bus Type 7 UNIBUS
LAN Support Optional
Ethernet Adapters Up to 2
Max. Communications Lines (async) 96
VAXcluster System Support Optional
Local Area VAXcluster Support Optional
CPU Upgrade Kit N/A
System Software VMS
Processor Features
Floating Point Accelerator Optional
Floating Point Data Types F, D, G, H
User Control Store Standard
Cache Size 16 KB
Cache Access Time 55 ns

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